Bigger and better: Cloud Quote’s latest system update

Flexibility. Efficiency. Speed. These three words encapsulate our latest system update. The new Cloud Quote software features, and improvements to previously-existing ones, allow you to see more and sell more, faster than ever before. So, basically, this system update is a game-changer for quoting and business. Be honest, did you expect anything less from us? 

System update: New features

1. New quote versioning system 

Our new quote versioning system locks down quotes whenever they leave the organisation, and a new History tab on the quote shows the complete history of the quote. This update allows sales reps and management to see every version of a specific client quote, ensuring correct version acceptance and tracking in the reporting process.  

2. New quote approval process

Tied to the new quote versioning system, our new ‘permission-based’ quote approval process allows team leaders and managers to coordinate the approval of quotes more efficiently. The leader or manager will now be able to view the quotes and accept or reject them before they get sent to the reps for saving and printing. If the leader or manager chooses to give saving and printing permission to senior reps, without approval, the new system allows for this adjustment. The ‘permission’ you grant is flexible, and completely up to you as the manager. 

3. Per-line item markup percent/value

Our per-line item markup percent/value system update allows for greater flexibility and accuracy in gauging quoting and profitability on specific product sets. This update will prove useful when quoting a basket of goods with items of different potential markups. For example, items such as “Paper” may have a much lower potential markup then say “Consumables”, so you can now separate them. Additionally, you can now provide individual product markups within a single option. Please keep in mind that this update may require a template change if the client is showing individual sales prices. 

4. Dynamic email templates can be created and sent via Outlook

Cloud Quote now allows you to use dynamic email templates in Outlook, from the Package Editor, which makes personalising email templates for clients far simpler when sending quotes. So once again, Cloud Quote is saving you valuable time. When reps send a quote, the email template will apply the client’s specific details, eliminating the need for the rep to type a cover email. 

5. Customisable dashboard 

Our new customisable dashboard allows you to personalise your Cloud Quote experience. You can now rearrange your dashboard to suit your requirements, and the changes you make will get saved automatically when you log out. For example, you can set your targets as separate windows and drag them into different areas on your primary or secondary screen for easy viewing. And should you wish to reset your dashboard, you can click the “Reset Dashboard” button.

System update: Latest improvements 

1. Expected Closure Date

You can now add expected closure dates to quotes and reports, and edit them from the quote tab, pipeline, and call sheet. Management reports will now clearly indicate new deal anticipation and closure dates.

2. Faster loading of packages 

When logging into the Cloud Quote system, it will load much faster than before, saving you time.

3. Company Registration Number 

A Company Registration Number field is now available on the client tab of a quote, allowing you to process quotes more efficiently.

Click and easier than ever before

Are you interested in using Cloud Quote quoting software for your business? Get in touch with us so we can arrange a demo.

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